Lt. Brad Clark
Memorial Training Scholarship

Lt. Brad Clark was killed in the line of duty on October 11th, 2018.
He will never be forgotten!

First and foremost Brad was a devoted husband and father, strong in his Christian faith. He was a patriot and US Army Veteran. Brad was a firm believer in training and mentoring other firefighters. He was quick to share his knowledge and passion for “perfecting the craft”. Brad was unapologetic about his politically incorrect method of training. He often said TSAFE “This shit ain’t for everybody” when talking about his beloved fire service. His career was more than a job, it was a calling.

During some of his free time Brad served alongside Moments of Hope Outreach. This ministry provides home cooked meals, canned goods, produce, toiletries, medical attention, bikes, bike repairs, clothing, fellowship, bible study and prayer to 300 plus struggling neighbors in the Richmond and Hanover area. He could be found serving food and fellowshipping with the people who needed these services.

- Melanie Clark, Brad’s Wife

Brad was scheduled to be one of the main speakers on the big stage and assist with Brother in Battle’s Engine Company HOT class at Firemanship Conference - PDX in 2019. He was very excited to show his continued support for our cause. He submitted a class description which only goes to paint a tremendous picture of the leader he was:

"Rockstars Vs Downers, The War To Win The Middle"

“As leaders, we have a natural tendency to focus attention on the high and low performers in our organizations.  When this happens, we often overlook the largest group of firefighters, The Middle. They are waiting to be lead, up or down. This class helps to re-direct the focus onto that group, and will enable us to guide those people to success.  Theory, Experience and a combination of both will be illustrated and paired with first hand leadership experience from the military and fire department to provide students with a better platform with which to move forward in helping to motivate co-workers and/or employees to reach for higher levels of performance.”

Unfortunately, we never got the privilege of hearing Brad’s presentation or making the push with him on the drill ground. 

Brad was a founding board member and 'short guy that talks’ of the “350’ Line” - a Richmond based non-profit corporation created to further the education of firefighters across the commonwealth of Virginia. In this role, Brad developed and taught training programs impacting thousands of firefighters across the state. The “350 Line” is a group of dedicated firemen with a mission of bringing training to the Metro Richmond area to assist in our never ending journey of “Perfecting the Craft.”

As a Lt. on Hanover Fire-EMS Department, Brad also spent some time assigned to the training division.  He was the lead instructor for Training Academy #33 where he led and trained 28 recruits. As an instructor, he developed what is called by his students as “Clarkisms”. His students kept record of some of his sayings to include:

“Good thing you didn’t melt your face”

“My cat’s stuck in a toaster up a tree”

“You’ll wear one of two things at the station: a uniform or a costume “

“You could be killed or worse”

“If you stay ready you ain’t gotta get ready”

“I could teach an orangutan to do that and I’m not even a licensed zoo keeper”

“Steam will kill a fire, but it will also burn your ass up”

“Water hammer makes white shirts shit their pants”

“I’d rather manscape with a weed eater than fight a brush fire”

“I’m one of the best trash-talkers this side of the Mississippi. If somebody gives you crap for calling a Mayday I’ll mess them up with my mouth. Some of y’all are going the other way with that”

Lt. Brad Clark
Memorial Training Scholarship

The recipient of this scholarship shall be nominated by a peer, mentor, friend, family member, or anyone other than themselves. The recipient shall embody the spirit of Brad through their Faith, Family and Firemanship. We will select a recipient that Brad would have loved to introduce to his family, make a push with, fellowship with, and serve the community with.

Please share with us how the nominee embodies this spirit, why they deserve this scholarship, and how they will use it to ensure Brad’s memory and legacy lives on.


  • The nomination period will be open from February 17 to March 3, 2025

  • Nominations shall be emailed to

  • Submissions will be reviewed by us at Firemanship, Brothers in Battle, and Brad’s Family

  • The recipient will be announced in the coming months

  • The recipient will receive a full ride scholarship to Firemanship Conference 2025 in Aurora, IL to include fully paid registration for lectures, HOT Classes & Workshops with a guaranteed spot in any HOT class or Workshop of choice (We will move and adjust accordingly if they are already registered and refund if desired)

  • Airfare and lodging for the entirety of the conference will be paid in full

  • The recipient will receive a plaque in Brad’s honor on stage at Firemanship

  • The recipient will receive a FREE Firemanship 2025 swag pack

2024 Recipient
Thomas Varner
Chesterfield Fire & EMS & Farmville Volunteer FD (VA)

2020 Recipient
Ty Nichols
Middleton Fire, ID