Lithium Battery Fires

Next Level Training Network

Date: July 17 or 18 (1-Day Class)
Class Time: 0800-1700
Location: Big Rock FPD (47W863 2nd St. Big Rock, IL 60511)

Course will assist with techniques to identify electric vehicles, the construction of EV’s and differences between full EV’s and Hybrids. The students will understand the considerations for extrication and extinguishment when dealing with the different styles of EV’s on the road. Students will learn the concern for EV’s when in a compartmentalized area like a garage and the potential for serious fire conditions. This will teach students the reaction of lithium-ion battery fire when dealing with e-bikes, scooters, ESS and anything lithium inside a structure fire. The course will provide concerns, considerations with interior firefighting from searching to fire attack. In the end students will have a better understanding of the possibilities of lithium battery fires and the tactics, concerns and consideration to handle these fires in their area.     

The HOT portion is a live fire course and requires full bunker gear to represent a real live environment. Students will learn techniques to properly extinguish Electric Vehicle Fires. Students will go through a step-by-step process to extinguishment, extricate and identify a variety of hidden concerns to handle these fires. Students will learn different tactics to get access to the batteries based on the different types of EV’s, to include lifting and moving the vehicle.